Cheat for Escape from Tarkov
On this page you can study information about a proven cheat for Escape From Tarkov. This software does not reduce FPS and is perfect for legit and rage games.
Select the required subscription plan
By purchasing the product, you agree to the user agreement and agree to the processing of personal data.
Functionality and system requirements
- Functions
- System requirements
- Enable (Hold, Toggle, Always)
- Visible check
- Silent aimbot
- Bullet manipulation
- Instant hit
- Autofire (Hold, Toggle, Always)
- Target lock (Hold, Toggle, Always)
- Show FOV (First/Second colorpicker)
- Show target (On enemy, Under crosshair)
- Autowall
- Visible priority
- Autowall Minimum damage
- Penetration chance (0-100%)
- Max distance (0-1500m)
- Bones (Head, Neck, Arms, Stomach, Pelvis, Feet)
- Target role (Pmc, Boss, Follower, Scav, Bot, Team)
- Target selection (Closest to crosshair, Closest by distance, Lowerest HP)
- Max distance (1-1500m)
- Enable
- Render distance (1-1500m)
- Out of FOV arrows
- Colorpicker OOFA (Visible, Invisible)
- Render distance Out of FOV arrows (1-1500m)
- Visible check
- Chams (Primary/Secondary)
- Glow effect type (1-5)
- Health bar
- Ammo bar
- Skeleton (Visible, Invisible colorpicker)
- Line of sight
- Flags (Name, Weapon name, Role, Distance, Ammo, Price)
- Box (Rectangle, Corner, Rectangle & Outline, Corner & Outline)
- Box color (Visible/Invisible)
- Show hitmarker (Colorpicker)
- Show bullet tracers (Gradient, First color, Second color)
- Show weapon info (Colorpicker)
- Show crosshair (Colorpicker)
- Show penetration chance
- Hitsound (Hit/Head/Volume)
- Sun ambient changer (Colorpicker)
- Time changer
- Weather controller (Clouds density, Rain intensity, Fog, Thunder)
- Show exfils (Colorpicker)
- Only open exfils
- Tips exits
- Show stationary weapons
- Show landmines (Colorpicker, alredy show invisible mines zones and claymores)
- Render distance landmines (1-1500m)
- Show grenades (Frag, Smoke, Stun)
[ LOOT ]
- Enable
- Battle mode (Hold, Toggle, Always)
- Color scheme (New, Old)
- Modifications (Color by price, Show cells, Price per cell)
- Categories (Keys, Barter, Containers, Provisions and etc)
- Show containers
- Show only when hovering
- Show original names (Game names)
- Price depends all items
- Render distance (1-1500m)
- Min price containers (Hold CTRL key and click left mouse button for scale for enter custom numbers)
- Min price item per container (Hold CTRL key and click left mouse button for scale for enter custom numbers)
- Show items
- Show quest items
- Show player inventory
- Render distance items (1-1500m)
- Minimum items price (Hold CTRL key and click left mouse button for scale for enter custom numbers)
- Show corpses
- Price depends all items
- Show only when hovering
- Render distance (1-1500m)
- Minimum price for show corpses
- Minimum item price
- Enable
- Show only custom
- One setting for all custom items
- Refresh items
- Font color
- Font size
- Custom settings per one item
- Current category
- Custom Loot filter
[ MISC ]
- Wepon modifiers (No spread, No recoil, No sway, No malfunctions, Instant aiming, Unlock firerate) Inventory modifiers (Instant search, Multi search, Instant examine, Quick load & unload)
- No visor
- Loot through walls
- Silent loot
- Extra lean (1-100%)
- Far door opening
- Quick container opening
- Locked containers looting
- Early access to quest items
- Unmount stationary weapons
- Enable switches
- Thermal vision
- Night vision
- Thirdperson
- Fov modifier third person
- Zoomhack
- Zoomhack modifier
- FOV modifer
- Aspect ratio modifier
- Speedhack (1-40x, include running with broken legs & run through the swamp/etc without slowing down)
- Hight jump
- Hight jump modifier
- Air stuck
- No physical condition
- Bunnyhop
- Auto strafe & Levitation
- Run & Gun
- Infinite stamina & No fatigue
- No weight
- No inertia
- No slowdown
- DPI scale (100-200%)
- Animation speed
- Config (Save, Load)
- Reset menu layout
On this page you can study information about a proven cheat for Escape From Tarkov. This software does not reduce FPS and is perfect for legit and rage games.
By purchasing the product, you agree to the user agreement and agree to the processing of personal data.